The second meeting of the DİVET project partners, coordinated by Action Synergy, was organized in Sofia, Bulgaria on July 8-9, 2019.
Project DIVET aims to develop the skills of young people who are interested in working in the field of export through internet based and social media. In order to achieve this goal, joint curricula and assessment standards will be created for conducting training in partner countries. This curriculum was the main topic on the first day of the partners’ meeting. First, the partners presented the results of the focus group meetings.
These meetings are organized to identify the necessary skills to carry out export activities through the Internet and social media. Held a discussion between the partners to develop a common qualification profile that will underpin the joint curriculum.
Project financial management and dissemination activities were the main topics discussed on the second day of the meeting. DİVET project will be distributed on social media platforms to raise awareness of the project and contribute to increasing the employability of students in Vocational Training Centers, and on the other hand, to provide enterprises with trained professionals who possess the necessary skills. The means of disseminating the project were presented. The project website is available at project, the Facebook page and the Linkedin group are also constantly updated.
Also, the evaluations of the external evaluator added great value to the meeting to contribute to the development and improvement of the DİVET project.