Vocational training center at “Harmony 1” Ltd (VET at “Harmony 1” Ltd) is licensed by Order of the Chairman of the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAPEO) dated 18.03.2009, with license number 200812729.
By 2018, the Center already has six applications for expanding and supplementing the License, giving the institution the right to conduct and certify professional training in 361 specialties from the List of Professions for Professional Education and Training (VET).
Since January 2010, the VET at “Harmony 1” Ltd has concluded an Agreement with the Employment Agency for a provider of training in all professions and specialties for professional training licensed by it, under which more than 3,000 people have been trained in some of the following professions:
VET at “Harmonia 1” Ltd conducts VALIDATION of professional knowledge, skills and competences in the professions and specialties for which he has conducted or conducts training.
In the validation process, professional knowledge, skills and competences acquired through informal learning (outside the system of vocational education and training) or informal learning (independently acquired skills, including through work) are established and recognized.
License and applications for professions/specialties:
Since January 2010, “Harmony 1” Ltd has concluded an Agreement with the Employment Agency for the provider of training in key competences 2 (communication in a foreign language) for all listed foreign languages for levels:
English language – A1, A2, B1
German language – A1, A2, B1
French language – A1, A2, B1
Spanish language – A1, A2, B1
Greek language – A1, A2, B1
Italian language – A1, A2, B1
Turkish language – A1, A2, B1
Russian language – A1, A2, B1
Chinese language – A1, A2, B1
Since January 2010, “Harmony 1” Ltd. has concluded an Agreement with the Employment Agency for a provider of training in all the listed key competencies:
· Digital competences:
- Computer training – Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet
- Working with MS Word. Working with MS Excel.
- Working with the Internet and MS Power Point
- Protection of information
- Communicating and communicating
- Skills to work under stress
- Teamwork skills Effective time management
- Conflict management
- Leadership skills
- Entrepreneurship
- Motivational training for active behavior in the labor market
In “Harmonia 1” Ltd and VET at “Harmonia 1” since 2009, trainings have been held according to European programs:
- 2009 under the PHAR program – trained 10 persons in the specialty “Insurance and Insurance Business”;
- 2010 under the “Back to Work” program – trained 85 people over 55 in the specialty “Insurance and insurance business;
- 2011 under phase 2 of the OP “Development of human resources” – trained 80 persons in the profession “Organizer of tourist agency activity”;
- 2011 under the “Development” scheme – trained 18 unemployed persons and 400 persons from “Bulgarian Post” JSC in the profession “Tourist agency activity organizer”;
- 2010 – 2012 under the scheme “I can do more” of OP “Development of human resources” – trained 60 persons in professional fields and key competencies (KK2): English, German, French;
- 2013 under phase 2 of the OP “Development of human resources” – trained 85 persons “Training of Trainers” for persons over 55 years of age of employees of the Bulgarian Post Office;
- 2013 under the scheme “I can do more” of OP “Development of human resources” – trained 542 persons in professional areas and 58 persons in key competences (KK2): English, German, French, Spanish and Greek;
- 2013 under a specialized program for initial training of security guards – 500 persons were trained;
- 2014 as an executor of a public contract under the OP “Development of Human Resources” – trained 10 persons up to 29 years of age for part of the profession in the specialty “Business Administration” 600 hours;
- 2014 as an executor of a public procurement by the Haskovo Regional Administration, under the Greece-Bulgaria cross-border cooperation program, in the town of Haskovo – trained 15 persons in key competences to increase knowledge in “Hospitality and Restaurant Management”;
- 2015 – trained more than 700 people in professional areas, as well as more than 200 people in key competencies (KK2);
- in the period 2016 – 2019 under the schemes of OP “Development of human resources”: “Vouchers for employed persons”, “New workplace” – trained more than 1,000 persons;
- from the beginning of 2020, persons are trained under the “Skills” scheme of the OP “Human Resources Development”.
Since the beginning of 2019, Harmony 1 Ltd. has participated as a partner in a project under the Erasmus+ Joint Qualification for Export Specialists (DIVET) program.
DIVET is a project implemented within the Erasmus+ program in the period January 2019 – December 2020. The project partners, among which are 3 vocational education and training organizations, aim to developjoint qualification program for training in a new profession: Specialist in online export activities. The theoretical part of the training lasts 480 hours, which include: 362 hours of self-study through an online platform and 118 hours of face-to-face classes. The practical part of the training includes a three-month internship in export-oriented companies, where the trainees will have the opportunity to apply their skills for making sales through the Internet and social media.
Our partners, under whose contracts with MTSP their employees have been trained, in recent years are:
Korporex Ltd, Video Market Ltd, Fenelia Ltd, Mat Ltd, Hemus Ltd, Elos Ltd, Zarya-2000 JsC, Metalstroy AMS Ltd, Synvex Cooperative, Citro Ltd, Germeto Ltd, Eurometalstroy JsC, Masterplastik JsC, Mirafiori Colors Ltd, Municipality of Chiprovtsi, Jebel Municipality, Elfiturs Ltd, Mal-Muk Home JsC, Polipress Ltd, Yasko Commerce Ltd, Dzobele JsC, Hranserviceengineering JsC, Simbula Ltd, Stroytrans 2011 Ltd, Air Max Ltd, Sofia Clean Agency Ltd, Vali 10 Ltd, Ivico Ltdand others.
“Harmony 1” Ltd. has long-term contracts for the training of personnel from the security business.