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Part of profession

CPO “Harmonia” offers Training in Part of a profession – minimum 100 hours; a maximum of 75% of the hours for the degree of professional qualification. Upon completion of the training course, the student receives a Certificate of Course Completion.

Vocational Training:

100 study hours:

Present form of education: from BGN 240 to BGN 900 depending on the profession and specialty.

Vocational Training:: 100 study hours:

Distance learning: from BGN 200 to BGN 600 depending on the profession and specialty:

Vocational training over 100 training hours in a face-to-face form of training is only available when forming a group of at least 6 people – ask for a price.

Vocational training over 100 learning hours in distance learning – ask for a price.

02/955 9806:
0884 616268:
e-mail: harmonia1@abv.bg

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