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Center for Information and Professional Orientation at “Harmony 1” Ltd (CIPO at “Harmonia 1” Ltd) is licensed by Order of the Chairman of the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAPEO) dated 26.10.2015, with license number 201514039 .


  1. We provide conditions for information, professional and career orientation for employed and unemployed people over 16 years of age, in order to acquire competences and skills necessary for their successful realization in correspondence to the labor market demands;
  2. Increasing quality, mobility and flexibility of the working force in correspondence to the dynamically changing labour market;
  3. Encouraging active behavior on the labor market by acquiring skills to look for suitable job;
  4. Helping the transition period from education to employment and from unemployment to employment by gathering information for actual tendencies on the labour market – supply and demand of labour force;
  5. Developing entrepreneurship by professional orientation and consulting of beginner entrepreneurs, micro, macro, medium and big companies;
  6. Formulating policy and practice for life long learning orientation according to Europe 2020: Strategy for intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth, the European employment strategy, A memorandum on lifelong learning, Getting older people involved in Learning; the Program “New skills at work”, specific for the country recommendations by the European Commission, etc.


1. Services for information, career and professional orientation of unemployed that include:

a) self-assessment of competences;

b) information and consulting on the desired professions and/or group of professions demanded on the labour market;

c) information regarding the opportunities for acquiring or increasing the professional qualification, trainings for developing key competences that aim to develop knowledge and skills for successful integration on the labour market;

d) acquiring knowledge and skills to start their own business, alone or in partnership;

e) motivating to start work, education in the necessary skills to apply for a job.

2. Services for information and career orientation of the employed granting possibilities for:

a) preserving the existing job;

b) increased opportunities for career development at work;

c) increasing the professional qualification or requalification, developing key competences, aiming to optimize their employment capacity;

d) motivation trainings for the realization in another profession.

3. Formulating an attitude in the society for lifelong orientation as a key factor for successful professional and personal realization;

4. Providing for an easy access to information and popularizing the center activities by publishing and advertisement activity, press conferences, presentations, web sites, etc.

5. Organization of workshops, seminars, work meeting, etc. on the problems of professional orientation and career development.

There are elaborated objective indicators for the implementation of the aims, including external assessment, self-assessment and feedback on behalf of the customers and partner organizations. At the end of every calendar year, the director prepares a report based on the indicators for the fulfillment of the aims and it is presented at the General Assembly of the owners, employees and hired by civil contracts people. In dependence by the aim fulfillment for the calendar year, a new short term and middle-term plan for the next year is elaborated.

Basic groups of customers

The customers in the Center for information and professional orientation are from the following groups:

Students or recently graduated students from basic and secondary education, university students or dropped from the educational system people over 16 years of age, who have to make their choice for career development;

Unemployed people for competences assessment, for labor market realization, starting own business or skills to start new job;

Employed people willing to preserve their job or to choose new fields for career development by increasing their qualification or acquiring new competences.

Packet of services the center offers

Type of activityYesNO
Information and self-informationX 
Career consultationX 
Case assessmentX 
Physiological supportX 
Activation and motivationX 
Groups for mutual aidX 
Talent managementX 
Tutoring  X 

The team of specialists that elaborate the professional orientation, consulting and information based on acquired methodology and normative requirements for the above listed activities, disposes with the following instruments and procedures to provide for these services:

Procedure for periodical actualization of the offered information;

Diverse, systematic and unified instruments of questionnaires, tests, tasks for self-preparation, blank forms, etc.

Basic points for assessment of case studies of a career consultant

Procedure for periodically actualization of the information on the labor market, blank forms and unified questionnaires

Common methods for psychological support

Procedure for activities of representation

Methods and techniques for leading group for mutual aid

Psychological approaches and techniques for talent management

List of people ready to be tutors

Basic tasks executed in relation to providing for the services related to the securing of specialized information materials and products:

A) physiological questionnaires, questionnaires fro professional orientation;

B) information folders for professions for branches – containing information for the executed tasks and activities, psycho-physical and personal requirements for the profession, opportunities for education, labor remuneration, perspectives for labor realization, increasing the qualification and career development.

C) information folders for education organizations and training organization:

D) multimedia presentations that offer visual information with text and pictures for the professions, their interconnection and necessary requirements.

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