Mission of the College “Harmonia”
College “Harmonia” mission is to conduct policy to increase the information for the offered quality of vocational education and the realization of more trainings in the licensed professions for unemployed people, employees in organizations that need higher level of qualification, citizens looking for self-improvement and qualification, adequate to the labor market demands. The potential for quality education of the private vocational college is based on the experience of the owners and the employees, gained in their many years work in the field of education, qualification and requalification of youth and adults. Being aware of the responsibility and the activity specifics, we are oriented towards perspective and demanded professional fields, professions and specialties, which are of great importance for the vocational education and the priorities of the vocational education in Bulgaria.
Goals of College “Harmonia”
To achieve higher level of quality vocational education and training, which provides for the satisfaction of the needs and interests of the individual, our partners – institutions, employers, trade unions;
To expand the opportunities of our students to continue their education in universities and high schools;
To apply in practice the standards of the vocational education and training, established during the European integration of Bulgaria;
To increase the capacity of college “Harmonia” both with regard to number of students, as well as to material facilities and quality that corresponds to the world standards in this field.
Private vocational college at “Harmonia 1” Ltd. has signed agreements for continuing education with:
- New Bulgarian University
- University of Security and Economics
- University of Agribusiness and Rural Development
- European Higher School of Economics and Management
- Varna University of Management
- MT&M College