Home » We are starting a new group for the specialty Assistant educator in raising and educating children.

We are starting a new group for the specialty Assistant educator in raising and educating children.

During the training period, subjects will be studied according to the requirements of the National Education and Training Institute. You can see a detailed program on the website of “Curriculum and Specialties” /

At the end of the training, the graduates:

They will know:

  • The general theory of the market economy;
  • Normative regulation of health and safety working conditions in the field of education, raising and raising children;
  • Public finance and accounting;
  • Social policy in the field of education and child protection;
  • Diagnosis of children’s development;
  • The main points and factors of pedagogical sociology;
  • Anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the child;
  • The characteristics of the child in different age periods, the methodology for his aesthetic education, play activities and entertainment;
  • The requirements for furnishing and servicing children’s facilities;
  • Organization of the day regime in children’s institutions;
  • The psychology of child development. The rules of pedagogical communication;
  • The main issues of social pediatrics and defectology;
  • Preparation and serving of food and drink for children;
  • Education of preschool and school-aged children;
  • The theory and psychology of education and its aspects and problems;
  • The main questions about the child’s mental development and the development of mental processes;
  • The methodological foundations in the education and upbringing of the child

They will be able to:

  • To apply theoretical knowledge from the field of pedagogy and psychology in practice – in working with children;
  • Communicate with the child; to assist in his proper development and upbringing;
  • To assist in the formation of the child’s personality, for his positive upbringing;
  • To work with a computer and to be able to communicate in basic English.

Vocational training for the acquisition of a degree of professional qualification ends with the passing of state exams in the theory and practice of the profession, according to Ordinance No. 3/15/04.2003 on the evaluation system (Government Gazette No. 37/22.04.2003). The state exams in the theory and practice of the profession are held according to national exam programs in accordance with the state educational requirements for acquiring a qualification in the profession.

Upon completion of training, graduates receive a Certificate of Professional Qualification.

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