Home » We are starting a new group for the Construction and Architecture major

We are starting a new group for the Construction and Architecture major

During the training period, subjects will be studied according to the requirements of the National Education and Training Institute. You can see a detailed program on the website of “Curriculum and Specialties” /

At the end of the training, the graduates:

They will know:

  • Technological and construction documentation.
  • Types of preparatory activities at the construction site;
  • The technological sequence in the preparation of construction works;
  • Temporary construction;
  • The machines, tools, tools, aggregates, etc., with which the construction – installation activity is carried out;
  • The organization of the construction site and the construction process;
  • Professional terminology;
  • Types of construction activities;
  • Types of soils;
  • Strengthening of trenches;
  • Types of building materials, application and properties;
  • Types of concrete and reinforcing steel;
  • Types of prefabricated elements of different materials;
  • Implementation technology, transport and installation of elements of different materials;
  • Types of construction machines and their application;
  • The main construction and operational characteristics, as well as the main techniques – economic requirements for construction machines;
  • The main situations in the use of construction machines;
  • The basic concepts of construction mechanics;
  • The main tasks of geodesy and surveying methods;
  • Polar and rectangular coordinate systems;
  • The main tracing works;
  • The purpose, functions, methods of safe work with tools, materials and auxiliary equipment;
  • The technological sequence of different types of construction operations;
  • Types of finishing works;
  • Types and application of personal and collective protective equipment;
  • Types and application of specialized work clothing;
  • The rules for health and safety working conditions of individual types of SMP;
  • Correctly render medical aid in the event of an occupational accident;
  • Environmental Protection;;

They will be able to:

  • To work with tools, machines and materials;
  • To comply with safety technology requirements;
  • To accurately and consistently perform technological operations;
  • To store and store building materials and products properly;
  • Recognize required building materials;
  • To read the technological documentation;
  • To analyze the working conditions and, accordingly, to choose the optimal mechanization for carrying out the construction works;
  • To synthesize the acquired knowledge and skills for proper organization of the workplace;
  • To determine the reduction of two forces with a common starting point;
  • To distinguish the types of simple beams;
  • To determine the purpose of retaining walls;
  • To carry out basic horizontal and vertical measurements;
  • To solve tasks on a topographical plan;
  • To apply the acquired knowledge in geodetic works in construction;
  • To carry out tracing and control in the PGS;
  • To know and correctly select the tools and materials for the implementation of the specific construction task, respecting the technological sequence;
  • Recognize construction machinery;
  • To determine the types of machines for earth and concrete works;
  • To select, maintain and properly store the tools and materials for the various types of construction and assembly works;
  • Prepare mortars and mixtures by hand
  • To use personal protective equipment;
  • To use specialized work clothing;

Vocational training for the acquisition of a degree of professional qualification ends with the passing of state exams in the theory and practice of the profession, according to Ordinance No. 3/15/04.2003 on the evaluation system (Government Gazette No. 37/22.04.2003). The state exams in the theory and practice of the profession are held according to national exam programs in accordance with the state educational requirements for acquiring a qualification in the profession.

Upon completion of training, graduates receive a Certificate of Professional Qualification.

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