At a meeting of the educational and methodological council of Harmony 1 OOD, held on 08.06.2021, they discussed the possibilities of including knowledge, skills and competences from the pilot training under the DiVET Joint Qualification for Export Specialists via Internet and Social Media project, Erasmus Program +” in the advanced professional training in training in the profession “Organizer of Internet applications”. The following skills were examined and proposed for training:
- Applies basic pricing principles, export processes, and applicable legislation.
- Manages the data collection process.
- Strategically manages social media, email marketing and working with online commerce platforms.
- Applies basic principles of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
- Improves the skills of effective time and energy management, problem solving, acceptance of new ideas and flexibility.
- Strategically manage social media activities (Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter) to organize an export related marketing campaign
- Effectively implements new concepts for export activities
- Implements social media marketing
Their inclusion in the curriculum for the profession is pending. The acquired competences will find application in the following positions from the National Classification of Professions and Positions.
3514 – 3001 Administrator, Website
3514 – 3002 Technician, web site
3514 – 3003 Webmaster
3514 – 3004 Manager, Website
3514 – 3005 Consultant, web site management
3514 – 3006 Coordinator, Website Management
3339 – 3003 Specialist, Commerce