In connection with the upcoming start of the pilot training under the DiVET project with partners from the Bulgarian side – “Harmonia 1” OOD and BTPP, an information meeting was held for the approved participants. The main purpose of the meeting, which took place on March 12, 2020, was to provide more information to the participants about the pilot training, which is expected to start this week. The participants also had the opportunity to learn more about the essence of the project, as well as to meet the teachers of the individual modules.
The pilot training is aimed at individuals who want to acquire knowledge and skills in the use of the Internet and social media in order to increase their qualifications as well as the export potential of their enterprises. The qualification course covers 15 topics, which are divided into general economic training modules and specialized modules.
The pilot training has a duration of 480 study hours and includes distance learning through an online platform and face-to-face classes. Those who have successfully completed the training will be issued with certificates for acquired skills corresponding to level 4 of the European Qualifications Framework.
After the training, each participant will complete a three-month internship in an export-oriented company. Two of the best performing training participants will have the opportunity to do their internship abroad. One intern will be sent to Greece and the other will do his internship in Turkey. They will each receive a stipend of €2,500 to cover travel, accommodation and subsistence costs.
During the information meeting, the participants expressed their interest and raised questions regarding the conduct of the training. With a view to ensuring greater attendance, possibilities for remote participation in face-to-face classes were discussed.
Project DiVET (Joint Qualification for Export Specialists via Internet and Social Media) is implemented within the Erasmus+ Program, with the participation of six partner organizations from three countries – Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey. The main objective of the project is to develop the skills of young people to carry out export activities through the Internet and social media, which will lead to an increase in their employment, as well as provide enterprises with trained professionals who have the necessary skills to meet their needs. More information about the project can be found on its official website